How to get an fi-domain name
Fi-domain name is a reliable and secure Finnish choice. Get your fi-domain name through your own registrar.
Companies, organisations and private persons, regardless of their domicile, can all have fi-domain names registered for them. The actual registration is performed by a registrar. Registrars register domain names into the domain name register maintained by FICORA on behalf of their customers. Registrars maintain their customers' domain names and provide related services (email, name servers, web hosting, etc.).
Before registering a domain name, it is important to check that the domain name is lawful. An fi-domain name may not violate a protected name or a trademark. To check what characters a domain name may contain, visit Permitted characters in domain names.
Application process
To register an fi-domain name, follow the steps below:
1. Check whether the domain name is available.
To see whether the domain name is available for application, check the public information of the domain name. If the domain name is not available, someone else has already reserved it.
2. Make sure that the domain name is not based on a protected name or trademark owned by another party.
To make sure that the domain name is lawful, consult the public registers to verify that the domain name does not violate names protected in Finland or trademarks valid in Finland or within the EU.
3. Contact your registrar to have the domain name registered for you.
If you do not have a contract with a registrar yet, first you need to choose a registrar. To get an fi-domain name, use the search engine to find registrars that have registered with FICORA to carry out fi-domain name registration activities.
Domain name dispute resolution
FICORA may remove an unlawfully registered fi-domain name from the domain name register.
Domain name holder is responsible for compliance with law
Removing a domain name from the register
Returning a domain name to its original holder
Removing a domain name temporarily from the fi-root